Asheville Drug Defense Lawyer, for serious felony drug charges.

Felony drug charges in Asheville, NC are no joke. Some of the enhanced penalties can reach decades long prison sentences on the first offense. Make no mistake, if you've been charged or arrested for serious felony drug crimes, you need and aggressive, effective Asheville drug defense lawyer. Sometimes, effective analysis, negotiation and handling of your drug related case will be the only thing that saves harsh NC drug sentencing penalties. If there is a fight to be had, you'll want an aggressive criminal defense attorney focused on drug crime defense. 


CALL TODAY: 828-575-8417


Cocaine Drug Crimes 

Mushroom-Psilocybin Crimes

Heroin Possession Crimes

Methamphetamine Possession Crimes

LSD Possession Crimes


Asheville Drug Lawyer, Attorney Jody S. Lanier

Aggressive, Effective, Service Oriented

Call Today: 828-575-8417

WNC Service Areas: Asheville, Hendersonville, Marshall, Mars Hill, Waynesville, Columbus, Brevard, Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Haywood, Polk, Transylvania